I’ve been in the sex doll sale for many years, I’ve used dolls and spoken with many of the customers. I’d say the general consensus is the dolls are awesome for the physical pleasure part of sex. Thanks to modern sex doll technology we can do an extremely accurate and lifelike imitation of a women’s body. So the doll is physically perfect, everything is perfect. Great ass, great tits, everything is awesome. In fact, in many cases, sex dolls are even better than real women since we can make ideal proportions and there aren’t malformations like blemishes or scars. All that’s required is a little lubrication, and body heat, and it’s going to feel 99% like the real sex.
But obviously, the lack of emotional intimacy that a doll can provide relative to a real woman. I would agree as well. For many, having sex with a doll feels much more like enhanced masturbation rather than real sex. But hey, if you’re going to masturbate you might as well have the best experience possible.