How to Clean Your Sex Doll Wig

Hair is an important part of a doll’s attractive appearance and attractiveness. For sex doll owners who don’t have the expertise in hair care, managing those beautiful doll wigs can be a huge challenge. Be aware that the wrong cleaning way can cause serious damage to the wig. Today, we will guide you on how to take care of the doll’s wig like a pro in just three steps.

Step 1: Untangle the hair before you wet the wig.

Starting from the hair tips, use a wig brush to gradually untangle the hair knots until the hair is completely smoothed out. Once you’ve done this, slowly immerse the wig in warm water for at least an hour to dissipate dust and other foreign particles from the wig.

Step 2: Wash the wig with shampoo and conditioner.

This is where the actual cleaning begins. Use a sink or separate container to hold enough warm water to make sure the wig can be completely submerged. Add an adequate amount of shampoo to warm water. Stir the water to blend the shampoo and warm water completely. Next, soak the wig completely in foam water and wash the wig gently but thoroughly. Then, take the wig out and wash it with clean water. You can use conditioner to make the wig smooth and glossy, but it’s not a necessity, it’s your personal preference.

Step 3: Rinse the wig and let it dry.

If you use conditioner, gently rinse the wig with clean, warm water. Make sure to wash off all the conditioner and gently squeeze the wig to get rid of excess moisture. Pick a smooth and soft towel and wrap it around the wig to absorb excess moisture. Finally, find a dry and warm place to dry the wig. Don’t hang the wig in a room with extreme temperatures. You can also use a hairdryer to complete this procedure.

So far, you have finished the wig wash. When it dries, you can have a beautiful wig again. Last but no least, we recommend that you apply a small amount of fiber oil to the wig. This will make the hair look shiny and help to comb the hair more easily.